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So much is going on in the world today. Between COVID-19 and the rise of the fight against racial and systematic injustice, choose to stay focused on God.

We are on this Earth but not of this Earth. [Reference: John 15:19, Romans 12:2, 1 John 2:15]

No weapon formed against us shall prosper. [Reference: Isaiah 54:17]

Many of us know these words yet don’t make them personal. Without exclusion, I have several years of fault. With an impartial heart to do His Will, I unintentionally spent several years in disarray. I was stuck in the lie that I had to balance the things of this Earth within the confounds of my faith. When in reality, all I’ll ever need is my faith because God is in control of it all #LifeHacks. See, often I consulted God but did not let Him lead. God doesn’t want part of your life. He wants the WHOLE thing #LifeHacks.

My book ends in 2018. See, in 2018, I realized only 80% of my life had been submitted to God. I was holding on to two things - my intimate relationships and my career. Once I handed them both to God, it has been a process to realize what God really wants. What 100% of a life for God looks and feels like. We are so jaded, misguided, and miseducated by the ways of this world! Find complete comfort knowing that He will always take care of you and He does not need anyone else's permission to do so, just your submission!

We are often looking for someone to lean on. But I ask you, is that someone God? You see, God put us here to save each other through our lives lived for Him. He is our leader and we are made in His image. We must not think about political or celebrity "leaders" of the past, present, or future but realize that WE ARE ALL LEADERS. Right now - in 2020.

We must rise in Him!

We must be the change.

We do not need direction from each other, if we are all, individually, looking to Him.

Listen, we are all leaders in Him and following our individual paths will bring unity [Reference: Ephesians 4:3, 1 Corinthians 12:12-27]. A modern example is in Orlando and Houston where two groups of protesters unintentionally met in route!!!

Lord prepare us, to be a sanctuary. Pure and Holy. Tried and True. With thanksgiving, we will be a living sanctuary for You.

Fight the good fight [Reference: 1 Timothy 6:12]

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Onyinyechi Anukem
Onyinyechi Anukem
Jun 10, 2020

LOOOVVEEEE IT!!! There are so many good nuggets in this blog. The reminder that we are all leaders in God and to be a sanctuary for each other is much needed. Also remembering to not be so attached to what is happening that we forget that God is in control and thus all is well. I look forward to following your blogs!! ❤️❤️❤️


Lee Junior
Lee Junior
Jun 10, 2020

You brought clarity as to why when I met with a white Pastor, he wasn’t concerned about the things happening in this world. Partially was because he’s never had to deal with racism to the extent as we have, but the other half could of been because of what you’ve posted in this blog. Great job L.


Phylicia Campbell
Phylicia Campbell
Jun 10, 2020

I love it ! I’m so proud of you for stepping out and putting your thoughts into action ! Great blog I’m looking forward to reading all your blogs to come !

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