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Keep Going

Here's something I wrote and read to myself when I'm having a tough time. I hope it gives you some inspiration to keep going!

Dear Self,

You’re a phenomenal woman. You’ve faced every thing placed before you. You’ve walked with God to not just be in His truth & light but to exude His truth & light. There will be many more bad days and many more great days for you to conquer but God is with you & He loves you so very much.

When you fall short or feel less than, look how far you’ve come & how good God has already been. Look at the tears of joy that flow down your heart, a pure heart. A genuine heart. A heart that is, was, and is to come. Stand up straight, raise your head high, and take all the time you need to move your left and right feet.

Step into the confidence of God that when you are at your weakest, God is at His strongest in you. Know that being His servant is so much more valuable than anything else you could be doing! Wrap yourself in His grace and glory & know that you are more than enough - always!

God over everything!

And let us not be weary in well-doing for in due season we shall reap if we faint not. [Galatians 6:9]

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Preach Apostle!!! God has brighter days in store for sure ... So count it ALL Joy Queen 👸🏾

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