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Reparations Time!

"Congratulations! At its December 12, 2022, meeting, the City Council appointed you to serve on the Reparations Commission." This is the first sentence in a recent letter Lorena received!

Beautiful people, I encourage you to keep hope alive and to continue to pray! May God grant us the desire to embrace EVERYTHING He made us to be!

Incase you are wondering, could this really be a thing? Is she serious? Yes! Yes! And Yes! So get excited and stay prayerful!

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2 commentaires

Coquille Peace
Coquille Peace
23 déc. 2022

As per our conversation we had.. I do agree with making our ancestors proud with all of the hard work and foundations they laid down for us - we MUST keep going.

Also I’m so impressed and proud of your progress academically and as a community leader You remain focused and are of great value to us all!

Lorena Ferdinand
Lorena Ferdinand
31 déc. 2022
En réponse à

To God be all the glory!

He amazes me everyday with all that He has planned to do through me. I still marinate on, "And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise. God having provided some BETTER thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect" (Hebrews 11:39-40 KJV) 💝

*Please excuse my delay in response. I gotta find the setting that's suppose to send me notifications for blog comments 😅

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